BOOMERANG SAMPLE PROGRAM ------------------------ ------------------------ The Boomerang utility sample program demonstrates how you can use ACUCOBOL-GT, AcuConnect in thin client mode, AcuServer, and Oracle Pro*COBOL to maintain a relational database like Oracle on a UNIX server; pre-compile ESQL source files on that server; and then execute these programs on the server. Oracle Pro*COBOL is a pre-compiler that enables you to embed SQL statements in a host COBOL program and use that program to access an Oracle database. The pre-compiler accepts the host COBOL program as input; translates the embedded SQL statements into standard COBOL CALL statements that call the Oracle libraries; and generates a source program that you can compile, link, and execute in the usual way. When properly configured, the Boomerang utility sends the source file for pre-compilation to the UNIX server using AcuServer. Using AcuConnect, it executes a script that starts the pre-compilation process. The pre-compiled program returns to the client via AcuServer. Finally, Boomerang compiles the program locally and sends the resulting object file to a specified directory on the client or server. ------------------------------------------------------------ Please note that Boomerang is not a supported ACUCOBOL-GT feature. If you have any questions about the use of this utility, please contact our Systems Engineering department or your Acucorp Sales Professional. ------------------------------------------------------------ SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ------------------- In addition to the contents of the "boomerang" sample program file, the following system requirements must be met before you can run the utility. You need the following components on the Windows client machine: ACUCOBOL-GT development system (compiler and runtime) Version 7.0 ACUCOBOL-GT Thin Client Version 7.0 gzip utility version 1.2.4 You need the following components on the UNIX server machine: ACUCOBOL-GT runtime Version 7.0 AcuServer Version 7.0 AcuConnect Version 7.0 gzip utility version 1.2.4 Oracle Pro*COBOL versions 9, 9i, or 10g The gzip utility is not included with the Boomerang sample. It may be downloaded from PROGRAM SETUP ------------- The "boomerang" directory contains the files you need to install before you can run the sample program. The "server" directory contains a copy of the files you need for the server, and the "client" directory contains the files that should be placed on the client. The following paragraphs briefly describe these files, along with any modifications you need to make to them in order to run Boomerang on your system. Server files ------------ The "server" directory should be copied to the UNIX server machine. You also need to create a "tmp" directory for temporary files and an "obj" directory to receive your COBOL object files. Some files in the "server" directory need to be modified based on your individual implementation. The "acutools.cfg" file contains configuration file entries for AcuConnect and AcuServer. ACCESS_FILE should point to the location of the AcuAccess file, and SERVER_ALIAS_FILE should contain the location of the thin client server alias file. The script in "" is used to compile the Boomerang utility "pcompile.cbl" on the server. The "" script changes the value of the PATH environment variable to include the absolute pathname of the ACUCOBOL-GT "bin" directory. Use the dot command to invoke this script (i.e., ". ./"). You also need to set any necessary Oracle environment variables here, like LD_LIBRARY_PATH, ORACLE_HOME, and ORACLE_SID. The "" script is responsible primarily for starting AcuServer and AcuConnect with the correct parameters. Update the port numbers in the script for these two server processes, if necessary. This script also checks permissions (by calling "") and for the presence of the Pro*COBOL pre-compiler. Note that the procob command must be in your PATH for this script to run. The "killAcutools" script closes the AcuServer and AcuConnect processes. Again, you need to update the port numbers in this script, if necessary. The "" script checks ownerships and permissions. The "" script executes the Pro*COBOL pre-compilation process on the server after being called by "pcompile.acu", the Boomerang engine. Client files ------------ The "buildclient.cmd" script is used to compile "pcompile.cbl" on the client. The resulting "pcompile.acu" file should be copied to the ACUCOBOL-GT "bin" directory. Other files in the Boomerang "client" folder must be also be copied to that directory. These files include: "boomerang.cmd", which launches the Boomerang process. Update this file to reference the "pcompile.acu" path, if necessary. "boomerangDebug.cmd", which launches Boomerang in debug mode. Update this file to reference the "pcompile.acu" path, if necessary. The "sample" subdirectory contains the files needed to build and run the sample program using Boomerang: "buildprg.cmd", which builds/compiles the sample program using the Boomerang utility "runprg.cmd", which executes the sample program via AcuConnect "sample.pco", a sample program that contains embedded SQL "userpassw", which contains the sample program's COPY files Client environment ------------------ Boomerang operation requires some modifications to client environment settings, as indicated: ACUSERVER_PORT and ACURCL_PORT to their respective ports on the server COMPILERNAME to the "boomerang.cmd" path (or the "boomerangDebug.cmd" path) COPYPATH to the directory containing the COPY files needed by the sample program (in this case, the "sample" directory) PCOMPILE to the "pcompile.acu" path on the client SERVERPROCOBSH to the path of the "" script on the server; may be relative to the AcuConnect starting directory SERVERPROCOBSTART to "pcompile.acu" on the server SERVERTMPPATH to the "tmp" directory path on the UNIX server; may be relative to the AcuServer starting directory TEMP to the temporary directory ("tmp") on the client machine UNIQUENUMBERNAME to the name of a file shared by all client stations using Boomerang; this setting ensures that multiple users can pre-compile simultaneously ACULOCALDEST to the path for resulting COBOL object files, if they are being stored on the client rather than the server; this setting is optional PROGRAM EXECUTION ----------------- After you have completed the setup, you are ready to run the Boomerang utility. You should ensure that the ACUCOBOL-GT runtime is relinked to your Oracle Pro*COBOL libraries for the sample project to run. 1. Execute the "" script to change the PATH environment variable to include the ACUCOBOL-GT "bin" directory, as shown: PATH=[ACUCOBOL-GT pathname]:$PATH 2. Execute the "" script to compile the "pcompile.cbl" Boomerang source program on the server: [ACUCOBOL-GT pathname]/ccbl -o @.acu -x -Ga -Zd pcompile.cbl 3. Ensure that the "AcuAccess" file reflects the appropriate ownerships and permissions. "AcuAccess" and "acutools.cfg" files must be owned and writable only by root. The local user, as defined in "AcuAccess", should have the read and execute permissions for the "" script, which triggers the pre-compilation process. Modify the "" script to agree with your "AcuAccess" file. If you map all the clients with a single local user, you should modify the "chown user:group" line in the script, replacing "user" with the name of the local user, and "group" with the group of the local user. If you map distinct client users with distinct local users, you should replace that line with individual commands that give the file's read and execute mode for each local user referenced in "AcuAccess". Ensure that the server "obj" directory is owned by the local user and that the server "tmp" directory is accessible by all users. 4. Execute the "" script to start the AcuServer and AcuConnect processes. 5. Execute the "buildclient.cmd" script to compile the "pcompile.cbl" Boomerang source program on the client: [ACUCOBOL-GT pathname]\ccbl32 -o @.acu -x -Ga -Zd pcompile.cbl Copy the "pcompile.acu" object file to the ACUCOBOL-GT "bin" directory, along with the "boomerang.cmd" (or "boomerangDebug.cmd") script. 6. Execute the "buildpgm.cmd" script to build and compile "sample.pco" with the Boomerang utility. boomerang.cmd -o acurfap://[server-name]:[port-number]: [server-object-directory-pathname]/@.acu -x -Ga -Zd -Lo listing.lst [client-sample-file-directory-pathname]\%1 where "%1" is the program name. 7. Create your AcuConnect server alias file using the acurcl –alias command. 8. Run your program with the "runprg.cmd" script: [ACUCOBOL-GT pathname]\acuthin [server-name]:[port-number] %1 where "%1" is the server alias name.